Understanding Acoustics: Absorption vs. Soundproofing

Understanding Acoustics: Absorption vs. Soundproofing

It is very understandable that many of our friends and customers confuse with acoustic absorption and soundproofing, the main goal of these two are reducing sound intensities. However, there are key differences between them.

I would like to use an analogy to describe that:

Sound absorption is like a sponge, soaking up noise to make a room quieter. It helps control echoes and reduces background hum, making conversations clearer. Our artistic panels are designed to absorb sound, enhancing the acoustic comfort of your space.

sound absorption, balls sucked into a soft wall, few balls are bouncing from the wall

Soundproofing is different—it's about blocking noise from entering or leaving a room. Think of it as putting up a barrier that sound can't easily cross, perfect for keeping your music inside or the neighbor's dog out. Our panels are focused on absorption, creating a peaceful environment without heavy sound blocking.

sound proofing, reflecting sound, diagram, balls reflecting from a hard surface

I hope these two diagram paired with analogy may eliminate your confusion about Sound Absorption vs. Soundproofing.

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